
Showing posts from August, 2019
Often it is found that there is a big generation gap between parents and teenagers. Teen is the age when a child goes through a lot of changes. For example, physical changes, mental changes and social changes. This is a challenging phase for the parents. Their intention is always to protect their children from all odds. But are misunderstood by them and the gap widens up more and more. This is not a problem only for a particular country but across the globe. Teens feel that they are grown up and they should be spared from do's and don'ts. This teen problem of the present generation is becoming a threat for the entire world.   10 Ways Of Reducing Generation Gap are :- To know your teenager child you need to know his/her strength and weaknesses.  Channelize them as soon as they enter the world of teens. For example engage them in music classes, sports practise, swimming classes, painting etc. Listen to them patiently, they are more important than any other ...